"Never Learn From A Coach Who Didn't Play In The Game."

Are You Ready To Go To The Next Level In Your Life?


Especially If You Are...

Over the next 6 months, I will be PERSONALLY coaching you through this process. I don’t want you to spend years figuring it out like I did – I want to give you everything you need to succeed personally and professionally and coach you through it.

Nothing else has worked for you because you’ve been looking in the wrong places. It’s time to tap in to who you really are and re-establish your connection with  YOUR CREATOR to tap into the true power of your potential.

I know what GOD can do because he did it for me. He made me whole, healthy and truly fulfilled. Now it’s time for you to decide…


Meet Keyon Clinton

International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Award-Winning Bodybuilder, Execution Coach – These are just a few of the accomplishments of Keyon Clinton.

Born and raised in the infamous zip code of 48205 in Detroit, MI, Keyon is not a statistic and has overcome all odds stacked against him.

A man of God and serial entrepreneur, Keyon strives to improve the lives of others through his faith, self-assessment, consistency and execution.

Client Testimonials

“A I cannot praise Keyon Clinton's professionalism and customer service enough. He is a man of his word and delivers exactly when he promises to. I cannot wait to see how much further my brand continues to grow and develop with the help of his services.”
Sydney Kirkland
“Working with 1% Better was such a great experience. I.especially liked the fact that Keyon was very hands-on and available to clarify any questions I had.”
Rena Butler
“I honestly didn't really know what to expect but I trusted Keyon to deliver and he did not disappoint. I learned exactly where I needed to start, what I needed to do to follow through and he even provided the resources and contracts to help me be a respected professional. The information he shared, his transparency and excitement to help others is truly authentic and effective.”
Tanzania Talbert

 JUST $997


Take advantage of the opportunity of a lifetime  and get KEYON as your coach for EVERY WEEK of 2024! Enrollment is open for a LIMITED time only!